
Our Newfound Love

Though the Covid-19 pandemic has caused so much uncertainty and disruption, it has also enabled us to spend so much time at home and to do some things that I have putting in the back burner for a while. One of it is creating my blog spot. It was quite a challenge at first, learning how to navigate new software. But I did it, and am so happy that I have finally been able to spend some quality time getting it up. Am super thankful to my kids for helping by taking some pictures and designing the look of our page. Also thankful to my dear husband for helping with technical issues. Now I hope to relax and write more posts.

In Addition to this, as we have been mostly at home we have been able to make videos for our channel. Elisha and Izayah can sing beautifully and I believe this is their God given talent, so what better way to use it than to give Him praise.

As for me, I am finally playing the piano again and I absolutely love it. We are starting out with simple songs, and desire to make more in the near future. Aiming to include Josha’s drumming and David’s singing in our videos too.

You can find our videos on our YouTube channel, and the link is on our home page. If you like them you may subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more!

Praying hard that less people get infected and die during this pandemic, and that a vaccine can be found soon. We know that God is allowing this to happen for a reason and we are trusting in his plans for all of us.

Stay safe and stay healthy!

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