
A game we should not Play

Can you guess what game we should never play? To each her own, but I am a firm believer of this …. never play the compare game.

God made all of us differently. If He wanted us all to be the same, we would be churned out in a factory.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14

God made each one of us to fulfil a purpose here on earth. So then why do we need to compare ourselves to others? Players of the comparison game score themselves based on how they stack up against other people. Are they the smartest? best looking? strongest? most popular? When they don’t measure up to others whom they compare themselves to and want to be like, they feel like a looser.

Instead of comparing, we could simply be thankful and happy and content with what we have, and be inspired by what others may do or have. When I am inspired by others I may strive to do something like they do, that is inspiring to me.

I have always told my children not to compare themselves with their friends. I tell them to do their best and be the best at what they can do. And it is such a blessing to see them have self confidence and not having a need to compare themselves with anyone else. They are all unique in their own way and each have their own God given talents. And these talents should be used to do good work and to Glorify the Lord.

Life is not a competition or a race nor a platform to collect medals. No one is better than the other as we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.

Life is so much more fulfilling when we stay true to ourselves!

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January 15, 2021