

What is transformation? It means to convert, to change in form, nature or appearance. Prior to our baptism, the only transformation I knew about was the transformers that my son played with and the transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly that I learnt about in school.

However a whole new world opened up for me and my family when we were baptised. We learnt about transforming ourselves and how we all can transform for the better by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we are born again and given new life through the waters of baptism, there are things to learn and things to unlearn. Habits to form and habits to break. However we cannot change on our own and we need God’s help. This is where the Holy Spirit comes in.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When a person, family or community lives in accord with the Holy Spirit, these attributes are present.

If every move we make, every action we take and every conversation is guided by the Holy Spirit I believe there will be peace all around. Extra and unnecessary words would not be said which would most likely result in arguments. Being intentional and having self control is so important when we interact with others. Actions manifesting from patience, kindness and gentleness will promote peace and grace within us and around us.

Bad habits of teasing others or hurting others with comparisons and abusive words can also be stopped. Love does not envy and it does not count faults. Thus we should not dig up past issues that have been resolved and count past faults of others. This will only damage relationships.

It is possible to transform ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. Transformation is on-going and it will never end. Our goal is to keep transforming for the better and to be aligned to Jesus and his ways. However, real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward and change for the better, first get real with yourself. Once you have made that decision, pray and ask God for help and with the power of the Holy Spirit you will see results.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind : Romans 12:2

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